Thursday, August 28, 2008

Stocking UP Day..

Yesterday near to lunch time, one of my colleagues was discussing with me “what to buy for teacher's day?” She said she want to get Famous Amos cookies and packed them in nice boxes.

When I heard her said boxes, I told her “you can go Daiso to take a look, they have nice boxes.” Her immediate reaction was “ok, let's go.” So our lunch time was spent at Daiso Plaza Singapore. Needless to say, I also took the opportunity to buy the boxes for Anthea and Anders teachers. I managed to buy some nice cookies from the AMK HUB. Let's hope their teachers like the gift.

I overheard this on Playhouse Disney Hanny Mandy show: some Wiseman said – it's not the Price that matter, it's the thought that counts. (I was quite amazed that kids channel also teaches such moral value.)

Tomorrow the childcare centre is organizing a Zoo Outing and I am going along for the trip. Luckily I managed to ballot the company corporate card, so I get FREE admission. Silly me, forget to inform the childcare that both Anthea and Anders can get free entry too… : P

Last evening, in preparation of the Zoo trip, we bought covered shoes for Anders and Anthea. Anders got what he wanted – a pair of Batman Shoes with LIGHT. Anthea had chosen a pair of Winnie the Pooh shoes for herself.

At the same time, I also stock up on Carman's muesli bars as NTUC was having some special offer @ $4.05 per pack of 6 bars. The usual price is $5.03. This is in preparation for Adrian 2nd oversea working trip from late October 2008 to early January 2009.

I am really glad that I was able to complete the “shopping list” in a day.


Angie said...

so nice of you to get presents for the teachers. i am sure they will appreciate your thoughts very much. more importantly, i think it's an important lesson for our children to learn to appreciate and show appreciation.

Aces Family said...

hi Angie,

The teachers really put in so much effort each and everyday, it's not an easy job, esp childcare. So hope this small gift will be a form of encouragement.. : )

Happy Teachers Day to you too!!


Idy said...

My office is now at the Atrium next to Plaza Singapura. So, if you go PS again next time, please jio me for lunch hor.