Trial Bento - today morning I prepared breakfast for Anthea and Anders. Last evening I bought the heart shaped cutter for Daiso and decided to use it on the sandwich. Anthea was very happy when she saw the sandwich and said: “mommy, it's very nice.” She said next time she can bring it to school for her tea break. She even chose her 1st bento box from NTUC Xtra when we saw it. Now I am even more committed into Bento..haha.
Volley Ball session – ever since we watched the Channel 8 Drama series “babes,beach,ball.” Anthea seem to fall in love with this sport. Every day she will come home and tell me that she plays volleyball in school. Last evening, we bought a ball from Daiso and she was very happy with the new toy. This morning, we went to the open ground downstairs and played volleyball. Our neighbor gor gor also joined us for the game session. Both Anthea and Anders had a wonderful time and were perspiring so much... : P
I prepared a simple lunch for the children and they happily finished up their lunch.
Teacher Badaria wedding – Teacher Baida was Anthea ex-childcare teacher. Ever since Anthea change childcare, I still keep in touch with her. She is a very good childcare teacher. Today is her wedding and she had invited us for the wedding lunch. So I brought Anthea and Anders along, her wedding venue is just walking distance from our house.
We had a good time at the lunch and managed to catch up with some of the parents. The only regret is we did not get to see teacher Baida at the wedding. We missed her as we went quite late. Still we want to wish the Very Best in her marriage.
The children had their nap late, so we did dinner on our own instead of the original plan of eating at my In-laws house. At the same time, I am following the Olympic Woman Table Tennis GOLD medal contest and Singapore had won its SILVER medal... : )
Wow another Bento Mummy...argh, my heart now flies to Daiso already ;p
Another great weekend you had! Really a good bonding time with your kids!
hi Vivien,
I am still learning, so cannot be term a Bento mommy yet...hee : P
Yes, we are spending quality time tgther.. ; )
Anthea is ready for bento! Hehehe... I think I will see many bento posts from you next year ;)
hi LZmommy,
with so many experts Bento mommies around me giving such good tips, i am ready..haha.
Will try my best to prepare the Bento for her..hopefully she will like them.
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