These few weeks, we are experiencing a lot of changes that will affect our lifestyle, positively I Believe...: )
CHANGE 1: Lift upgrading programme.
It is confirmed that the constituency had gained the 75% of the eligible votes and the project will go ahead. The project will start in the 2nd quarter of 2009 and complete by 2nd quarter of 2011. This letter is signed by none other than PM Lee Hsien Loong himself.
CHANGE 2: Increase in INFANT /Childcare subsidy with effect from 17 August 2008.
During his National Day Rally, PM Lee had mentioned that the Govt will be enhancing some of childcare subsidy to make the fees more affordable for parents. The old subsidy for working mom is $150, the new subsidy is $300. This is indeed a piece of good news for our family.
Currently the Full Day Childcare fees for each child is $500 and less the new subsidy of $300. It means that we are paying about $200 for each child. It's a lot of financial saving for us, especially comes next year when I becomes a PTSAHM.
CHANGE 3: Anthea new class in 天下。
Since she came home from her 1st lesson with Teacher Lin Lin, she is full of praises of Lin Lin. She kept saying she is looking forward to her next lesson. Also last Saturday, my MIL bought her 2 enrichment workbooks for K2. She did the Chinese book with great interest. I am very happy to see her great appreciation of Chinese and enjoying the worksheet. I hope she will love the language as much as i do.
CHANGE 4: My plan to get a Part Time job.
So far, I have been writing in to companies who advertised for the positions but still not shortlisted yet. How do I feel – well, a bit disappointed at times but deep in my heart I know. What's not meant to be mine will not be. So I am still waiting for the right opportunity. If it does not comes true, I will just have to be contended to be a FTSAHM for the time being.
This evening after dinner, we went to the central and bought a Pomelo for the childcare centre Friday Celebration. The K2 children will be performing the story of "常娥登月" and Anthea has been "shortlisted" to be 常娥 and she is very excited about the performance. Guess what - she told me she wants to wear her Hello Kitty Dress for the performance... : P
Looking forward to 八月十五- 月圆花好之夜 !!
that's something new! Hello Kitty Chang-er?! Great imagination of your girl's part :p
Glad she enjoys her Tian xia class, its very important the kids enjoy their class so they will be more "into" the subject.
Don't worry too much about the job, if u didn't get them now, it means they are not the best. The best has yet to come and once its here, its yours for sure!
Charmaine's mom
谢谢纠正 嫦娥奔月。: P
说得对,得失不要看得太重。最重要是 “活得要开心和实在‘
Hi Mommy Charmaine,
Thanks for your encouragement and i look forward for the right opportunity.
What line of work are you in and are you particular about location of your part time job?
Can you drop me an email at
Wow! I'm looking forward to see her pic as a Chang er :)
Never mind :) Hope you will get a job that suit you... Afterall, it is not that bad to be a SAHM for the time being :)
Hi Meekfreek,
Thanks for your recommendation. Really can't express enough my gratitude.
Hi LZmommy,
I can't see the performance personally, so i asked the CC to help me take some photos.. : P
Yeah, i am looking forward to my next phase in life, so exciting.
Thanks for the encouragement.
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