Sunday, October 12, 2008


This is his only SUNDAY with the family and I finally realized my importance in his mind.

Today we had lunch with my parents to catch up with his 2 months away from home. Last night we had dinner with HIS families.

In the evening I was tired and don't feel like eating out. Well, I would assume/presume that he would want to spend his Sunday dinner with US as a family. I think he still does not put US as his top priority. He had chosen HIS Families over us.

I am totally disappointed but from this, I know that I HAVE to learn to be more INDEPENDENT from now onwards.



Angie said...


Something About Us said...

Hi Astee, I can understand how you a wife. but maybe let him have a chance to explain his actions ... maybe your hubby misses his parents

- Ling

Aces Family said...

hi Angie,

说的有道理。他不了解“家人”的定义。两个月来,辛苦的人是我, 回来他在乎的是他们。。

我累了!不想再去 说什么,接下来两或三个月还得继续走三人行。。谢谢你的鼓励!


Aces Family said...

Hi Ling,

Thanks for your me ,explanation is just an excuse...hee : P

What matter more is what comes from the heart.

Summary of eating with parents -

Last Sunday - dinner upon arrival

Thursday - Dinner wz his families to celebrate his brother birthday.

Saturday - dinner with his families

EAT as ACES FAMILY - 0 time.

The score is obvious. I rest my case.


Angie said...

errr... how about mon tues wed and friday?

Angie said...


Aces Family said...

haha...angie, you are so good to try to provide defence.

Weekdays we usually settled the children 1st..cos i need to wash their clothing. So we don't really sit down and eat as a family.

What makes me disappointed was the children were having their afternoon nap.

His PLAN for Sunday dinner - if children still asleep, he will eat with his families, leaving me with the 2 eat alone.

That's make me think he does not even consider the children, less talk about me.

His excuse was the families had specially made dinner reservation for him etcs.

Come on..."dong xi si Si de, ren is huo de."...i believe you know how i felt at that moment.

Don't worry, i am looking forward to my Club Med vacation and enjoy my TIME with the children.

This episode wakes me up a lot.. : )


ShanZen - Brightsong said...

I agree with Angie that most men are unable to sense or visualise unless we women voice it out.

You're not alone, I'm also in similar predicament. Hubby used to go on golfing trips or kaki gathering EVERY weekend afternoon/night. Situation only improved when I voiced to him why not we cancel Ee Zen's art class since I'm the only one who need to bring him all the way to Suntec and carrying baby on public transport? I also need to worry abt providing lunch & dinner to his mum who is too elderly to cook or buy herself, since no one could bring her to relative's place for cards kaki session.

So now, hubby plans early morning golf on Sat so he can be home by mid-afternoon (at least we can do family dinner and his mum doesn't pull black face with missing her session) and his kaki gathering will be AFTER ee zen's art class on Sun.

Aces Family said...

Hi Brightsong,

Yes, i know the importance of Voice it out..i did hinted to him that we need no eat with his families, but i guess hint was not enough.

Anyway, i will make a statement next time if he ever asked me to eat out if i don't feel like it..haha : P

Thanks for sharing your personal experience, i know it's tough but glad that things are working out fine for your family.


ShanZen - Brightsong said...

no worries, sharing experiences will help us to relieve stress. i learned the part on needing to voice out (of course, peacefully lah) the difficult way. Previously, I would be the one pulling a long face (thinking hubby would get the hint) but hubby got annoyed instead (so actually, he was the one who started the voice-out, haha). That's when "the volcano exploded", but for a better outcome nonetheless. :)

Anonymous said...

don't be too upset over hubby too! Every outing i plan for our family, he will have to include his got me mad sometimes too.

And whenever I question/ get angry over this, he would ask this: "do you hope your kids to come home and visit you often next time when they have their own family?" and i was left dumbfounded..

Also, there's a saying that says

Shiny Stars said...

As a woman I understand the disappointment. How we wish our man will pay more attention to us, spend more time with us and our kids.

Not that we are selfish, its becoz we love them that we enjoyed his company.

Men are usually not that sensitive. To them, dinner is just a dinner. To us, dinner is not only dinner but the attention.

Cheer up babe!

Aces Family said...

Hi Mommy Charmaine,

Your hubby is so cute to return the ball to your court.

I will mandate that we eat as a FAMILY on Sundays as Anthea has school on monday, so cannot stay up too late..hee : P

Saturdays are still open to Families gatherings.


Aces Family said...

Hi Vivien,

Thanks for sharing the same sentiments and i think it's a common thing that MAN are just insensitive.

If everything also must spell out BLACK & WHITE..then what is there to talk about mutual understanding..haha : P
