Saturday, October 04, 2008


In the afternoon my MIL smsed me to ask if I need her to fetch Anders. From her sms, I sensed that she might be tight up. So I called her and indeed she was busy with some family commitment and can’t help me to look after Anders while I brought Anthea for her lesson.

It was about 3.30pm that I got her sms so immediately I woke Anders up from his afternoon nap to get ready to go out with us. Anthea was changed and ready to set off.

We left our home around 4.10 pm and made it just in time at 4.30pm for her lesson. Phew !!!

While Anthea was in class, I brought Anders to Junction 8 to shop for a gift. A good friend and ex-colleague of mine, Jean, had recently delivered a baby boy. So I bought a small gift for Baby Job and had the shop arranged for delivery on next Tuesday, 07 Oct, 2-5pm, to Jean's house.

Since BHG was having some great sale, I thought I should buy a toy for Anders. So he chose a remote control car.

After our shopping spree, we went to fetch Anthea from her class and met up with the families for dinner at Crystal Jade in J8.

My FIL will usually help to walk my little niece around the dining area while my BIL's had their dinner. When my FIL came back, he was holding a small shopping bag for my little niece and when Anthea saw it, her immediate reaction was : “yeye, my turn next...” by this, she meant that my FIL must buy a gift for her.

I was very angry at her response and told her off immediately. She was upset and started to show me her BLACK FACE. I told her that her attitude was wrong and she must NEVER think that she MUST have everything that people has.

She started to tear a little and her eyes turned right. I almost wanted to bring them home immediately as it had been a very lousy afternoon for me.

When we reached home, I scolded her once more for being so self-centre and always think of herself. I hope she understand my message to her.

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