Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Happy Childrens Day !!

On Monday, 01 Oct 2007, it was children's day. Most of the childcares were closed for the day. However, the childcare that Anthea and Anders attended was opended and it even organised a small party for the children.

Children were advised to go to school in their home clothings for the day, so both Anthea and Anders were very happy and excited. In the morning, Anthea hurried me to get ready for school. If only everyday is like this...hehe.

When we reached the school, most of the children were there and all dressed in different colors and styles. It was quite a nice view. There were balloons all over the place and i knew the children were going to have a good time.

This is Anthea and Anders 1st Children Day Celebration in this new childcare. End of th day, both came home with load of presents from the teachers.

Anders Presents :
1. Mrs Deva - Color pens with small note book
2. Zhang lao shi - A Packet of Biscuit
3. Teacher Jessie - a Looney Toon Tee-shirt
4. Ms Alice - Toy cars
5. Luo lao shi - toothbrush set

Anthea Presents:
1. Mrs Deva - Color pencils
2. Luo Lao shi - Toothbrush set

Her english teacher, Ms Valentine, has been on medical leaves and so she did not get any prezzies from her.

Even the school aunties bought some sweets and chocolates for the children. Both of them came home with so many stories and things to share.

Recently, the childcare has given parents a notice of increasing school fees from 2008. One of Anthea classmate's mother called me and asked if i will be making plan for change in 2008. She claimed that the school fees are too expensive and almost equal to private. So her intention was to change her 2 children to those few hours kindergarten and playgroup sessions. Also she is planning to change to Part Time to spend more time with her children.

In the evening i shared with Anthea about her classmate's mother plan to change school. She said: "mommy, i like this school, i don't want to change."

I was happy to hear her comment and i told her that i will not change her school because she will be in K2 and it will be a special year for her and for Aces family too. Also most important, there is a team of dedicated teachers here and also a group of good friends.

May Anthea and Anders have many funfilled Children Day Celebrations!!


LZmommy said...

The teachers are so nice :) Looks like you have chose a good school for them :)

Aces Family said...

hi LZmommy,

Indeed, the teachers here are really nice and very professional in their job.

I am happy becos everyday the 2A's junior will said : "mommy, i enjoy school.."
