Sunday, October 14, 2007

Tag : 任意门

This tag is a very creative one by Angie and i need to take a few days to ponder over it before deciding on the place that i want to be.

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1. Dokodemo Door (任意门) literally means "Anywhere Door", and is a gadget that is often used by Doraemon and his friends, which allows the users to travel to anywhere simply by walking through the door.

2. Strictly speaking, the dokodemo door doesn't allow the user to travel to other dimensions or fantasy worlds, in this tag the taggee is free (and encouraged) to choose your favourite place from any world that exists in any books or movies, fiction or otherwise.

3. Choose your desired destination that you'd like the dokodemo door to bring you to, and indicate why you'd like to go there.

4. Forward this tag to whoever you'd like to extend this magical journey to.
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For me, i would like to experience the world of 大长今.

The reason being she is a real Heroine of her time.

I love her romantic link to 闵政浩. ( 帅呆了!!). Wish i can be in LOVE again.. : )

Of course being a food lover, i am especially attracted to all the Korean specialities that were prepared in the show...yummy!

Last but not least, it is not easy to overcome so many obstacles in life and in 大长今, i know nothing is impossible.

Okie, i am done and would like to share this tag with :

1. Jean
2. Jamie

Enjoy the tour, ladies..


Angie said...



Aces Family said...

谢谢老师的打分,我好开心。。。几晚的不眠,没有白费.. : P
