Sunday, September 30, 2007

Her "Sovereignty"

Since she was borned, Anthea had the 'sole right' to be at parents in law place over the weekends. She enjoyed her weekends playhouse for many years.

Now with the arrival of her cousin, it seem like she had to give up her 'seat' to the new baby on the block...hee.

My mother in-law is unable to handle Anthea and a baby in tow, so she had to asked anthea to come back home when the baby is over at her place. This means her Premiership had ended and she can only go over when opportunity arises.

This morning, my mother in law brought Anthea for her usual sunday swim. Before leaving the house, Adrian and myself had explained to her the current situation, she nodded in agreement with a few tears in her eyes.

Well, when situations changes, there are always 2 side to the change - negative & positive. Negative side - probably she lost all her Free Playtime at my in laws place.

Positive side - Anthea and anders get to spend quality time together as Sister and brother. When anthea is at my in laws place, Anders will be home with me, so his chances to play & talk with Anthea is limited. With the new change, i see them play more together. Of course, there are more bickering around as well... : )

I know Anthea is growing and becoming a sensible little girl. She will understand that at times when situation changes, she will need to learn to adapt to the new arrangement. I am proud that she is taking the change very well.


Clement said...

Excellent opportunity for that sibling bonding, and for jie-jie to develop her elder-sisterly responsibilities~!

Aces Family said...

Hi Clement,

Thanks for the comment.

Indeed,i see it as a positive change for her and the family.


Louis & Eve said...

Poor Anthea :) Well... if and when we do go overseas, she can regain her "supremacy" at Nai-nai's place. Hahaha...

Aces Family said...

yeah, she will have to learn to adapt to the new "turf" sharing and i told her nxt time when Faith is more independent, she can enjoy her weekends status again.
