Saturday, November 29, 2008


Both Anthea and Anders PTC were scheduled between 10 am – 11.00am on 29 Nov 2008. We had a good home made ham& cheese burgers with scrambled eggs for Anthea and soft boiled egg for Anders.

Then I started to prepare simple lunch of chicken porridge before heading off to the childcare centre.

The 1st PTC was for Anders, 10am – 10.30am:

Both his English and Chinese teachers – Ms Kelyn and 张老师 gave me their assessment of Anders performance in the 2nd half year of 2008. I must say both their comments were very positive and I am very glad that Anders had such improvement.

His progress reports were as follow:

他能感激 别人的帮助,以及尊重长辈和别人的意见及看法。

Anders enjoys sport games such as bouncing ball and relay games. He displays very good team player spirit and as a good role model to all his peers. He has become more expressive in class as he will share his views with his peers. He has become more inquisitive during class activity time.

He will be starting K1 on 1 December and sad to say, his 2 teachers of Nursery class will not be taking them through K1 which I was hoping they would... : P

His K1 teachers will be Anthea existing English and Chinese teachers – whom are also very caring towards the children and I know Anders will enjoy his K1 lessons, like Anthea did so.

The 2nd PTC was for Anthea, 10.30 am to 11am.

This was her final PTC with the childcare and soon she will be going to Primary school and it will be a totally new experience for all of us.

Spoke to both her English and Chinese teachers – Ms Valentine & 罗老师。Feedbacks were also very positive and improvement had been observed, especially in her Mandarin.

Her reports were as follow:


Overall for her English and Math, she is doing fine and she should be able to transit to Primary one quite smoothly. This was my understanding from Miss Valentine.

Anthea had been very fortunate to have these 2 teachers for her K1 and K2 classes. They had made a very great impact on her improvement in her respective areas.

Up till today, I am glad that I had made the decision to send both Anthea and Anders to NTUC Childcare. Their curriculums are very well organized and children learnt a lot through different activities: Hands on Activities, Gross Motor activities, English and Chinese Literacy programs etcs. The children had truly enjoyed all their lessons and playtime in the childcare.

Of course, the one person that should not be forgotten is the Centre Principal – Miss Wendy Sim. She is a “People Principal”. She is very approachable and always asking for feedbacks from parents. This is the culture of NTUC Childcare - 3 Ways communications. She runs the centre very well and I think for Parents who are visiting the centre and considering sending their child to the centre will be bought over by her knowledge and her professionalism...: P

Like what the K2 children said in their graduating speech: “NTUC Childcare is the best, of this I can truly vouch!”

Likewise, I would say the same. No fanciful name or fanciful game or even fanciful picture to showcase their children talent.

It is the everyday smile and lovely stories of the children that really matters.

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