Sunday, June 24, 2007

Superb Sun(daes)

Recently via a BB Forumn, i discovered a new brand of ice cream called Ice Cream Chef. Highly recommended by some forumn mommies, so i want to give it a go - i ordered 6 pints of different flavors ice cream - Durian, Mangoes, Oreo & Cream, Nutella Delight, Chocolate & hershey and Nutty Peanut Butter. It was delivered in the morning and Anthea and Anders simply love them. They had them after lunch and dinner. Adrain was home to look after the 2 A's.

I had a lunch appointment at New York, New York cafe in AMK Mall with my group of cousins. As one of my cousin, Herng, is back in Singapore for her summer break from Scotland, so we had to meet up while she is in town. So 5 of us met up for lunch and we had a very good time chatting and catching up with one another happening.

During lunch, we saw from the dinning place that Mediacorp was filming some program at the mall. I saw one of my IDOL - Bryan Wong. I simply adored his hosting skills and find him to be very talented. So i went to "star search" and my younger cousins were all laughing at me... : P

(photo is a bit blurred but that the closest i can get to him)

After lunch, we adjourned to Mac Cafe for drinks and continued to yak & yak away. Although our age difference is quite BIG but i am really glad that there is no generation gap between me & my cousins. We can literally talk about anything under the sky. Time passed so fast while you are enjoying it.

At 5.15pm, i had to go back home to prepare dinner. Adrian had decided to ground both Anthea and Anders for this week due to some incident that happened yesterday at the Sheraton hotel. So we had dinner at home. Simple home cooked food - Chicken feet with Black bean soup, fried batang fish and vegetable. I bought 1/2 a duck on my way home.

After dinner, dessert was none other than my Ice Cream chef ice cream was YUMMY!!!

This is another nice and relaxing Superb Sunday for me.

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