Thursday, June 07, 2007

Sleeping Habits

When Siti was still with us, Anders will sleep in a room with her while Anthea sleeps with me and Adrian in the other room. Most of the time, we have no problems in sleeping.

Now with our new sleeping arrangement, it seems like almost every night, either Adrian or I will need to ‘lecture’ the children before they finally fall asleep.

I believe the main problem is when they are together; they want to play/talk etcs instead of sleeping.

Usually, I will have to sleep in-between them to make sure that they sleep.

It’s a challenge but in order to train them to sleep on their own, it seem like this is the only way. Sometimes, Anders or Anthea will ‘volunteer’ himself / herself to room in with Adrian.

I am still hoping that both of them can sleep alone on their own in a room. Judging from the current situation, I think this will still take a long while to come true…

Lights out is at 10pm but by the time that they really ZZzzzz…usually it is almost 11 pm….!!


LZmommy said...

My kids have been sleeping on thier own since they were babies and they share a room too.

A little suggestion, If you know they will fall asleep an hour later, why not let them go to their room an hour earlier? Give them some time, they will get used to it :)

Aces Family said...

Hi LZmommy,

You are right, sometimes bedtime will be at 9pm...hee. I guess as they grow older, it may be easier. I hope.



Anonymous said...

Ah. what LZmommy said is what I wanted to tell you too :)

CHildrens are like that, dear. So if you intend to let them sleep by 10pm then I think you have to let them go to bed by 9pm. And I think it's ok for them to talk to each other before they end their day. It will improve their bonding as siblings tho they also talk during daytime.

What you can do is to tell them that they have 15mins (or least, up to you) and after that, no more talking.

If you persist by not relenting on letting them sleep with you or adrian, i'm sure it will work out fine eventually. You can also tell them that once in a while, it's a 'treat' to sleep with daddy/mommy, but not all the time :)

You can make it, just persist on. The earlier part is usually the hardest to accomplish.

Aces Family said...

Hi Jean,

Thanks for your recommendation. I will definitely give it a Try.

Yeah, each choice that we make is always difficult at the start.
