Thursday, May 22, 2008

The “Heats” is on.

1st Heat - The Heat wave has made a comeback this week and the weather has been “killing” for the last few days. At nights, before sleeping, we would on the room air conditioner to cool the room. Both Anthea and Anders are enjoying the air con very much. The reason is in our house, we seldom turned on the air con, unless necessary.

2nd Heat – on Vesak day morning at breakfast table, Adrian mentioned to me about his work trips. In the 2nd half of 2008, he will be going oversea for his work detachments. There will be 2 trips – early August to end September, then mid October to end December. He adds on “next year Chinese New Year”, he may be going for another work detachment.

OMG!!...hmm...sounds like I am going to be a “single mom” for a long, long time. I have some concerns, especially when Anthea starts her Primary school next year. So I told Adrian that I would use his 1st trip to make a gauge of how I am going to handle all the arrangement single-handedly. I know it’s not going to be easy but I need to try it out. We also discussed on alternative helps options, if I am really over-exhausted.

3rd Heat – DOGS!!!!

Either you love them or you hate them. I belong to the latter. I don’t hate it but I will stay away from them, as far as possible.

There is this lady who walks her 2 dogs every morning around the neighborhood. On our way to the childcare, we will always see her with her 2 dogs. I have no problem with her walking her dogs. Only thing is she does not leash them. She holds the leash in her hands and the 2 dogs run freely.

Once, I saw 2 young boys walking with their grandmother and when the 2 boys saw the dogs, they started running away, guess they were frightened of the dogs too. Another time, I was walking along the void deck of the childcare and coming out to the open area, one of the dogs suddenly dashed across me. I got such a scare that I scream. The old lady apologized to me and kept reproaching the dog – “don’t anyhow run.” Thanks god my heart is strong, otherwise I may get a heart attacks.

I really hope that these people have the courtesy to leash up while walking their dogs and not caused any inconvenienced to the general public.

Ps: I can see a lot of dog’s pool along the walkway. Sometimes I wonder….sigh!!

Final Heat – Primary One registration – Coming REAL SOON!!! .


LZmommy said...

It is not easy to handle everything on your own but I'm sure you will be able to handle it well :)

I am opposite of you :) Finally something different about us! Hehehe... I love dogs! So sad my dog just passed away...

Oh yes! P1 registration! Hope Anthea will get into the school you hope for :)

Angie said...

HOT HOT HOT! The weather is so hot! Buay darhan!!!
not easy handling everythg on your own... 加油!

Aces Family said...

Hi LZmommy,

Thanks for the encouragement and very sorry to hear that yr dog passed away.

Honestly i have not confirmed which school to send her yet.. : P

Hi Angelcow,

Yeah, buay tahan indeed...and i will surely "jia you"..thanks.
