Wednesday, July 09, 2008

The "Flying TOD"

Just received an email from Eve from her London Hotel –

“Our trip here on the plane was actually pretty good, mainly because Faith was alright throughout the trip. She had her meals, took an afternoon nap and was entertained the rest of the time either playing with the controls & gadgets on the seats or watching Barney on the portable DVD player. The portable player was a godsend, really :) “

It was a reassuring email from Eve, as all of us at home had been quite concerns about our little niece. Although Faith had travelled on airplane for numerous trips covering – Dubai, Beijing and Phuket. This would be her 1st long haul flight that lasted 13 hours. Glad that she did well on the plane, we are all so proud of her. GOOD JOB, Faith!!

Louis is on job assignment in London for 3 weeks or more, so it was natural choice that Eve and Faith will join him. The MNC that Louis works for is very Pro-family - they provide for the family travel and accommodation expenses as well… : )

Faith is officially the Tan Family flying toddle because of the nature of Louis job requires him to travel a fair bit. I always admired Louis & Eve for their capabilities and courages to travel with a toddle, especially when I see the number of luggage that they needed to pack… hee.

Last Sunday evening, we had our usual family (10 + 1 toddle) dinner gathering before Louis, Eve and Faith departed for London on Monday afternoon.

After dinner, we told Anthea and Anders that Faith mei mei will be taking the airplane to London and we will see her again only 3 weeks later. Anthea said: “mommy, I am going to miss Faith mei mei.” I told her: “yes, we will all miss her but 3 weeks will go by very fast and we will see her soon again.”

I am really happy to see Anthea expressing her emotion and feeling openly nowadays.

May Louis, Eve and Faith enjoy their 3 weeks stay in London, especially family bonding time.


Angie said...

Lucky girl! She has travelled so many places already!
Flying to London is no joke for a child!! Hope she enjoys her flight!

Louis & Eve said...

Hey Astee,

Yes, Faith misses her 2 cousins too. I brought along a little book of family photos so that she could see all of you and not forget in the 3 weeks that we're gone :)

Aces Family said...

Hi Angie,

Yes, our flying toddle is discovering the world at her tender age... : )

Yup, i think she handles her 1st long haul flight really well. Thanks.

Yo Eve, photo ..good idea, i will put one in adrian luggage too.. : P
