Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Recently I read on Vivien blog about her OLD Washing Machine that had served her well for 9 years. Usually, Home appliances lifespan are about 5 years; anything more than 5 years is a bonus...haha. Otherwise all the Electronics companies will have to close down... : P

We bought our current 29 inch Panasonic TV on 07 March 2000 from Courts AMK (i still keep the receipts for all our purchases for our home). We were very lucky at that time as the set we bought was MADE IN JAPAN. Nothing against products manufactured in other countries but somehow, it does not last as long as the Japanese made products.

Well, after 8 years of serving us loyally and faithfully, the TV set had decided to “retire” itself officially. Since last Sunday, we noticed that there were lines appearing on the screen and I suspect that its pixel is running off. Adrian said it might be due to SCV interruption but I told him there was no message from SCV that mentioned about faulty line.

Yesterday evening, we decided to used our room 21 inch TCL TV to do the testing in the Living room. Not surprisingly, the TV set works well and now it's now sitting comfortably at the TV console. We decided to let the Panasonic TV leave in good “memories”... : 0

Our next step – shop for a new TV set. I told Adrian since we had tested the Japanese technology, we should now try the Korean Technology as feedbacks from some Electronics experts are that Korean technology are catching up. Any feedbacks/recommendations on TVs are most appreciated.

Adrian was quite amazed at the rate that things are happening before he goes oversea for his work . I told him this is because he is the Handyman of the family/owner of the house/father to anthea, so we must ensure things (new tv/register for the new house/Primary one registration) are functioning properly before he goes oversea for work.

Or else I will have no one to S.O.S..: P


Louis & Eve said...

I think the Samsung brand of plasmas are good... i.e. if you guys are thinking of getting a plasma or LCD. Was told that Philips and LG (or was it Panasonic) are about in the same band in terms of how they fare and Sony and Samsung in the other category.

When DH is not around, can SOS dad :)

Shiny Stars said...

Wow our household applicances seems to 'retire' at the same time ;p

My current TV at the living room is a projector TV, so far so good, coming 9 years though.

Our bedroom one is TCL, which we seldom use, but so far so good.

Aces Family said...


Yeah, we are comparing Samsung & LG as well. Panasonic is TOP on our list, if it's made in Japan..haha. : P

Dad is now very busy with his property business..haha, yeah if really need to he is the MAN to call.


Aces Family said...

Hi Vivien,

Yeah, seem like those old fashion BOX TV sets are more lasting than the new types.

We will look around and check out the prices.
