In 2 more days, Anthea will be 5 Years Old.
As this is the long weekends, we decided to celebrate her birthday in advance. Mother in law had a few memberships with local hotels, so for Anthea birthday, she had requested to stay at Orchard hotel. As usual, her wish came true.

On Good Friday afternoon, they checked in Orchard Hotel. They went for lunch at the hotel cafe and then swam at the pool. In the evening, the rest of us met up in the hotel room before setting off for dinner. They had the room on the new wing, nice and cosy room. When we reached the hotel, Anthea was still in dreamland as she had a good time at the pool.
Dinner was at Hard Rock Cafe as it is walking distance from the hotel and also Anthea said she wanted Western Food. Food was good and service was as usual, excellent. During dinner, we chatted about our family matters : Faith Full Month celebration, Terence and Cherry's wedding in May 2008 and etcs. Really looking forward to this Wedding as it will be the Tan's Family Finale till the 3rd Generation.
After dinner, dessert was Anthea's Dancing Princess Birthday Cake. She had requested for the cake. The Staff at Hard Rock cafe brought out the cake and the DJ announced Anthea's name over his system. The staff sang her a birthday song, together with all of us. The atmosphere was very lively and she was very happy. HRC even took a photo for us and gave it to us as a souvenior. It was a really wonderful celebration. Adrian told me "so fast, it's already 5 years since she was born". I said "yeah, really fast".

Deep in my heart, i am grateful for all the good things that has been happening to her and i know she is someone special, in her own way. She is being loved by some many people in a different ways. My hope for her is to be "Strong in both her Intellectual and Moral".
After the celebration at HRC, Uncle Terence and Cherry decided to buy presents for both anthea and anders (belated present for anders), so we went shopping at Toy R US. Anthea got for herself a Disney Princess - Bella (Beauty & the Beast) and Anders got for himself a Ultraman Dyna. Both of them were very happy and after the we went back to the hotel room to Chill out & Relax.
We reached home around 11pm. Anthea stayed at the hotel with Mom and Dad.
Today morning, we brought Anders to the hotel for a swim. After swimming, we had buffet lunch at the cafe as mom have some vouchers, the spread was good.
After lunch we checked out and went home to rest. Dinner was "da-baoing" food and we ate at 729 . As Eve's still in confinement, so both Louis and herself can't join us for the birthday celebration, we reserved a portion of the cake for them. At the same time, it was a good chance to see Faith.
Happy Birtday to you, Anthea!
Hi Jean,
Thanks for your kind greeting.
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