Tuesday, April 03, 2007

News on 联合 Wan 报, 2 April 2007

I am not sure if this new is a sheer coincidence or a wake up call for me.....

A 4 years old boy was found drowned in a swimming pool in a condominium on 25 March 2007. He was sent to KKH A&E. After 7 days of struggling, he died on 01 April 2007. In the article, it was mentioned that he fell into the swimming pool and the family members were around him, they did not realised it till later. Someone rescued him and sent him to KKH Immediately but it was too late...

There are so many IFs...IFs...now going through my mind.

Now, i am going to start Anders on proper swimming lesson and not take things for granted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This article is a brief primer on family history resources, research methods, problems and solutions. It is intended to provide some general knowledge about genealogy, tracing family history, and Notebooks introduce the reader to the concept of deductive reasoning and how it can be used in the research process.