The day before I baked some muffins for them to bring along as snack, just in case the food Q may be too long for Brenda to handle with 2 children in tow.
After work, I meet up with Brenda and the children at Junction 8. She brought them to Macdonald for lunch. When I asked Anthea how was the event, she said it's was boring...haha. Yeah, I reckoned that she may feel this way because she is not in any race and sitting at the stand and doing nothing can be quite bored. Hopefully next year she may get a chance to race in one of the event.
Then both Anthea and Max wanted to go to Popular bookshop, so we went along. At the bookshop, Brenda told me that the children had received their Primary School Student pass, so I thought I should apply for the Popular Members card since she has the pass now. For the Popular Student Membership card, I only need to pay $5 per annual. This card was highly recommended by Mommy Nel, as she said I can buy assessment books at a good discount. : )
After buying some books from Popular, we left for home. Both Anthea and Max had enjoyed each other companionship for the day. I also had a chance to know Brenda better and I was really grateful for her help.
In the evening, Adrian's company had a BBQ session at the SAF Chalet at Changi. Family members were invited for the dinner.
When I arrived at the chalet, I had a real surprised at how the place looks now. The place had a major renovation and now it looks so resort like and much cleaner and modern.
We had a lot of delicious BBQ food. His colleague also brought along PS3 game to the chalet and the children had a good time playing the games.
There were other children who came along, Anthea and Anders had fun playing with them too.
We left for home almost near to 11pm..: P
This weekend will be a rest and relax weekends. Anthea will be having her Oral test next Thursday/Friday and I will need to give her more practices.
Also her Semestral Assessment 1 will be taking place in the 1st week of May; we will need to do more revisions with her. Hopefully, she will do well in the SA.
congrats to Anthea. Your mommy must feel very proud, I would too for Ee Zen or Shan Ee. :) Just to share my forgetful boy already lost his student pass by the 2nd day! Now I have to bring him to take photo in his school uniform and get it replaced at AMK bus interchange for $23 soon! :p
Well Done Anthea :) I'm sure mommy will need more space for the trophies! Hehehe....
Well done must be very proud of her achievements! :)
Good Job Anthea.
SAF Chalet looks very resort, very relaxing.
Hi BS,
Yeah, i am also worried that Anthea may lose her pass..everyday, i will check her wallet..hee.
Hi LZmommy,
Now training in progress...: )
Hi BB,
Thanks, i encourage her to exercise more becos hor..she's getting a bit fat...: P
Hi Ricket,
Thanks for dropping in. Yes, SAF chalet is a total revamp now.
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