Usually we will borrow the stories books from the library. Previously both of them will voluntarily go to the library with me. But nowadays things seem to have change a little. Anders preferred to stay at home to watch his Mickey Mouse show on Playhouse Disney and Anthea preferred to stay home to play games with Adrian.
Last night, when I asked them if they wanted to go to the library, both said no. Anthea told me “mommy, you just borrow books that you know that I can read...” (Like that also can...hee : P )
So with this mission in mind, I went to the AMK Library ALONE...haha. Actually I am happier at the library without the 2 of them. I can focus better and find suitable books for them. When they are around, they will always run here and there, pick the strangest books etcs.
I discovered that during this period 24 May to 30 June, we are allowed to double our loan to 8 or 16 books...that's a real treat. I busied myself at the book shelves and started looking for books for both Anthea and Anders. Finally I managed to get 6 books, if I had more time; I would have borrowed 8... : P
With mission accomplished, I took a slow walk home from the library. Along the way, I saw some Chinese book sales at the Central Pasar Malam. So I browsed through some and bought 2 cook books – a soup recipe and a simple home cooked dishes recipe. (I hope to widen my soup/dishes so I can prepare them for the family).
Then I went to Prima Deli and bought Peanut butter waffle for Anthea and Anders, they Love waffles. At night during bedtime, we had a good time reading the new books.
I am not a reading person, i guess it's because of time and routine. However, i would love to cultivate this good hobby to both Anthea and Anders and encourage them to read as much as they like. This will not only improve their language and of course, the more they read, the more they learn.
Hi Astee, what I mean you mind if you list my blog in ur list "Keep in touch" and while I list yours in my blog list too :)
no obligation tough :)
Now I love to go library too! Recently jsut re-discovered my interest in reading :D
Hi Ling,
Btw, i have no chance to read yr portfolio yet, is you name Ling? Haha.
Okie, i have LINKed your blog to mine and it's definitely a pleasure knowing "your blog"..hee : P
Hi Astee, thanks for linking me up.
My last name is Ling :)
It's my pleasure too!! Hardly can find Liverpool supporters! hehe.
hi Astee,
Reading is a good habit to start before primary school begins. It helps build up their wordbank and exposes them to other cultures. Most importantly, it requires discipline to sit and read silently. Choosing books suitable for pre-school is not easy though. I find that the Bishan library has a wider range compared to the AMK library and Nic gets her weekly 'dosage' of books there. Encouraging them to read to you and telling you the story using the illustrations would be the next step.
Happy Reading!
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