Friday, August 10, 2007

Red & White Days

On Wednesday Anthea and Anders childcare celebrated National Day and children were advised to wear Traditional Costume in the morning and Red & white combination in the afternoon.

Both of them were very happy to be able to wear home clothing to school and also looking forward to the celebration in school.

For these few days, both of them have being singing the National Anthem at home & also reciting the pledge:


We, the citizens of Singapore
pledge ourselves as one united people,
regardless of race, language or religion,
to build a democratic society,
based on justice and equality,
so as to achieve happiness, prosperity and
progress for our nation.

In Chinese:


So far they can recite the English version pretty smoothly and correctly but when it comes to the Chinese version, they mumbled over it. Shame to say, I don’t know the Chinese version so I can’t help them, now that I managed to goggle it, next time I will help them with it.

Today we celebrate Singapore 42nd Birthday. Since Adrian needs to work, so it was only the children and me. Well, in the morning, we stayed home because the sky was a bit threatening. After their afternoon nap, we went to the park and they had good fun playing with the sand at the playground.

Dinner was at my in-laws house as we planned to watch the National Day Parade “Live” on TV.

Anders was all excited, as usual, when he saw the helicopters and aero plane flying. He kept telling me: “mommy, tomorrow we go and see national day parade, ok?”

Overall, the 2 ½ hours show was quite good but I think the 3D show would be seen better at the Bay itself as the commentary there are much better.
2007 National Day Parade has left a remarkable impression on Aces Family as we are partly involved due to Adrian. This I know I will remember for a long, long time.


Noe said...

Wow! This is the first time I am reading Our Pledge in Chinese (what a shame to confess)!
Thanks much for blogging this. =)

Aces Family said...

Hi Noe,

You are most welcome.

I am also learning and trying to memorise it by heart, so i can recite with the children.

Same like you, my 1st time doing the chinese pledge..hee : P


LZmommy said...

Sad to say I am one of them who doesn't know the chinese pledge...

Aces Family said...

Hi LZmommy,

Don't be sad, we can learn now so by the time they start Primary School, they will get it right.
