Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Bad News…..

“CODE RED “- Aces family has been activated over the weekends.

On Thursday, Anthea’s school teacher called me and mentioned that one of her eye was swollen. They suspected she had been infected as there are about 4 of her classmates having the same problem at the same time.

Immediately, I took time off from work and brought her to the clinic. At 4 pm, most of the clinic was closed, so we waited till 6.30pm. Adrian brought her to the GP near our house.

He confirmed that she had conjunctivitis, also know as Red eye. GP also mentioned that it is very infectious.

Definition of Red eye
Red eye: Also called conjunctivitis. Redness or irritation of the conjunctivae, the membranes on the inner part of the eyelids and the membranes covering the whites of the eyes. These membranes react to a wide range of
bacteria, viruses, allergy-provoking agents, irritants and toxic agents. Viral and bacterial forms of conjunctivitis are common in childhood.

With this in mind, we tried our best to keep Anders at a distance. Anthea was given a day of Medical Leave. On Friday morning, I took her to my mom’s place for ½ day and took her home in the afternoon.

I made the WRONG MOVE….sigh!! My mom got the Virus on Saturday. Then my 2nd brother got it on Monday.

At home, Anders got it on Saturday and Adrian got it on Sunday. The virus didn’t stop here.

Yesterday, I heard my mother-in-law mentioned that my father-in-law also got it.

Feel so apologetic to the extended families for causing the inconvenience to them.

This kind of virus is very infectious and one must really make sure they don’t share or come in any contact with the person who got it.

So far, I am the only one, at home, who has been spared. I believe the main reason is I am taking care of the household chores, so I have been washing and washing my hands. This helps to reduce the chance of contacting the virus.

It is so scary, reminds me of SARS times. Really, don’t “play-play”.


Anonymous said...

Hi Astee-hope everyone in your family are well by now! yes we have to be very vigilance when it comes to this kind of spreading virus.

Always remember to wash hand when caring for them. Glad that you are spared, if not who is going to care for all the sick. Take care.

Aces Family said...

Hi Jean,

Yeah, esp during this time, the HFMD is also spreading, so i am really worried. But no choice since they are in childcare. Sigh..: (
