Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Saluting the Mom….

建康是财富。。。This has always been my belief and that’s why I am keeping my exercises routine.

After being beaten by the viral last week, I am even more adamant to regain my exercise routine when I am well enough. I know when I am down; the people I am most worried about will be my children.

Yes, ever since the day I became a Mother, they have been the main focus of my life. I had seen people who read daily motivator…and I joked that my children are my Motivators.

Without them, I don’t think I will push myself so hard. It’s hard work and 24/7 but if I don’t do it wholeheartedly, I don’t think anyone else can fulfill this role as well as me.

“Mommy, I love you…” I hear this everyday from Anthea & Anders at the end of the day when we are in bed. 3 simple words and it just make my whole day of hard work seem so little.

I remembered when I was young - my own parents had a very strict set of house rules for me, especially because I am the only girl. In our household, we seldom openly expressed our Loves for one another but deep in our heart, we know we will always love our parents, the way they love us.

Comes this Sunday – it is Mother’s Day. No need for fanciful dinner or big present, I believe what a Mommy wants – a simple family time with all her love ones.

On this special day…give her your salutation because she deserves it and remember to tell her: “Mommy, I LOVE you!”

My brother in law has a special Mother’s day Tribunal on Resraves, so c’mon in and join us in this special moment!


cre8tone said...

Very true.. Happy mother's day to you!

Angeline said...

Those 4 words "Mommy I love you" is a repeated reminder of how great a Mommy you are.
You definitely deserve it.

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY, my friend.

Blessed mum said...

Yes, the 4 amazing words is the best reward for all our hard day work!

Happy Mother's Day, dear!

Beautiful Love said...

Motherhood is a learning lets learn from each other and from our kids :p