04-12-1999 是我们的註册婚姻的日子。当年的气氛好热闹,现在回忆过去,好开心。
十年了。。这一路走得还顺利。当然不是一切都没问题,只是我们都会尽量小事化无。记得阿姨一句话 – “婚姻是要好好经营的”。
十年不算长, 因为前面还有很长的路要走。
曾经读过一位朋友的部落阁,她也庆婚姻十周年。她的文章留给我很深的印象。文中提到能和丈夫过十年周念算是幸福美满了, 因为她提到生边许多好友不是离婚,就是分居。很难百头到老。
It’s had been a smooth 10 years of marriage for us so far. I know the road ahead is still long and with our commitment and belief in each other, I believe we can walk another 10 years together.
Being married for 10 years is not considered long and to many – it’s just the beginning of more hardship. As our romance/love faded slowly, it’s take times to cultivate our trust and belief in one another so that we can support each other in our life.
This 10 years had not been easy on us, especially for me, I had taken so many different roles in order to fine tune what work best for the family. The sacrifices were small but the challenges were huge. I had not fallen yet but honestly at times, I don’t know how far I can stretch.
May we be blessed with more good years ahead and may I gain more knowledge in life to be a better wife to my husband, a better mommy to my children and a better daughter to my parents/in laws.
Happy 10th Anniversary to US!
Happy 10th Anniversary to you and Adrian!
I believe with trust and communication, love and support, you can have many more 10 years to come! :)
Happy 10th Anniversary!
happy 10 years anniversary!!
i think as romance fades off to the background, it is replaced by kinship. something which is stronger and can withstand more challenges.
Happy 10th Anniversary!!!
Astee, Happy 10th Anniversary to you and Adrian!! Stay happy always!
Dear Friends,
Thanks for all your well wishes & encouragement.
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