Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Passion & Friendship.

This morning when i was reading the Mind Your Body section of The Straits Times, December 5, 2007. I was pleasantly surprised when i read this article by David Hume - Let Passion Give Way to Friendship.

After my previous blog on my 8th Years, reading this article made me understand that we are on the right track.. : )

The author mentioned that the essence of romantic love (eros) is want. In other words to be in love is to be consumed by passionate longing for someone.

Extracts from the article :
Love & liberty - "love is restless and impatient passion, full of caprices and variations: arising in a moment and suddenly extinguishing after the same manner. Such love requires liberty above all things."

But once two people commit to being "a couple" (by marriage), they are no longer free to live and love as they please. Their actions and affections become bound by constraints.

Marital Friendship - Although eros cannot survive without liberty, friendship can. Unlike eros, friendship thrives under constraint. The stuff that chokes the life out of passion (duty, responsibility and routine) causes friendship to flourish and bloom.
This is why successful marriages are not characterised by swoons, sighs and palpitations of the heart, though they will have had their share of these things at the beginning. They are characterised by care, consideration and tenderness.
The happy couples have managed to transform the passion and ardour they had in the beginning into Joy, Gentlenss, Gratitude and Trust, into happiness in being together."

In other words, into FRIENDSHIP.
This is a meaningful article to me and i hope to put it to good practice in our marriage and one day, we will be just like the cartoon.

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