Tuesday, September 26, 2006

My new Hobby - Baking & Cooking

Lately i am In Love with my new found hobby - cooking and baking. It's now more on baking as our family size had shrunk a little as 2 of my brother in laws are working oversea and my "chef" sister in law is expecting, so weekends family dinners are a simpler fare, compared to before.

Now my preference is baking as my hubby simply love chocolate. Recently i got 2 great recipe books from my elder brother. The book titles are:
1. Crazy for chocolate
2. Chocolate - cooking with the world best ingredients.

I have tried a few recipes and the feedback has been good, which make me wanna try more of the recipes. Till date, i have completed:

a. Baked Chocalate and raisin Cheesecake
b. Macadamia nut and white choc brownie
c. Mississippi Mud Pie

It is quite therapeutic especially when the cake is baking and you can smell the aromatic of the chocolate. There are still many more recipes in the book and i hope that i can do as many as possible and share all the cakes and pies with family and friends.

"Always do what you LOVE and appreciate your liFe as a wonderful Journey"

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